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从12.1.0.2开始,Oracle 引入了ASMFD(ASM Filter Driver),ASMFD只适应于Linux平台。安装完Grid Infrastructure后,你可以决定是否配置她。如果之前使用了ASMLIB(可以简单的理解为对设备做标签来标识磁盘)或者udev(可以动态管理设备),迁移到ASMFD之后,需要卸载ASMLIB或禁用udev的规则。通过Filter driver可以过滤无效的请求,避免因为非oracle的I/O请求造成意外的覆写,进而保证了系统的安全和稳定。


This feature is available on Linux systems starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (

Oracle ASM Filter Driver (Oracle ASMFD) is a kernel module that resides in the I/O path of the Oracle ASM disks.Oracle ASM uses the filter driver to validate write I/O requests to Oracle ASM disks. After installation of Oracle Grid Infrastructure, you can optionally configure Oracle ASMFD for your system. If ASMLIB is configured for an existing Oracle ASM installation, then you must explicitly migrate the existing ASMLIB configuration to Oracle ASMFD.

The Oracle ASMFD simplifies the configuration and management of disk devices by eliminating the need to rebind disk devices used with Oracle ASM each time the system is restarted.

The Oracle ASM Filter Driver rejects any I/O requests that are invalid. This action eliminates accidental overwrites of Oracle ASM disks that would cause corruption in the disks and files within the disk group. For example, the Oracle ASM Filter Driver filters out all non-Oracle I/Os which could cause accidental overwrites.

ASMFD会拒绝所有的无效的I/O请求。这种行为可以避免因为意外的覆写造成ASM Disk的损坏或磁盘组中文件的损坏。比如她会过滤出所有可能造成覆写的non-oracle的I/O请求。

本文以Oracle Restart(测试版本12.环境测试为例来说明如何安装配置ASMFD。首先安装GI(Install Softeware Only),然后配置ASMFD,配置Label ASMFD Disks,创建ASM实例,创建ASM磁盘组(ASMFD),创建spfile并迁移至ASM磁盘组。最后在启用和关闭Filter功能情况下分别测试。

配置Oracle Restart(SIHA)
[root@db1 ~]# /orgrid/oracle/product/121/
Performing root user operation.
The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= orgrid
    ORACLE_HOME=  /orgrid/oracle/product/121

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
The contents of "dbhome" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "oraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.
The contents of "coraenv" have not changed. No need to overwrite.

Entries will be added to the /etc/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created
Finished running generic part of root script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.

To configure Grid Infrastructure for a Stand-Alone Server run the following command as the root user:
/orgrid/oracle/product/121/perl/bin/perl -I/orgrid/oracle/product/121/perl/lib -I/orgrid/oracle/product/121/crs/install /orgrid/oracle/product/121/crs/install/  执行这个脚本配置HAS,可以不必在GUI下运行

To configure Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster execute the following command as orgrid user:



This command launches the Grid Infrastructure Configuration Wizard. The wizard also supports silent operation, and the parameters can be passed through the response file that is available in the installation media.

[root@db1 ~]#
[root@db1 ~]# /orgrid/oracle/product/121/perl/bin/perl -I/orgrid/oracle/product/121/perl/lib -I/orgrid/oracle/product/121/crs/install /orgrid/oracle/product/121/crs/install/
Using configuration parameter file: /orgrid/oracle/product/121/crs/install/crsconfig_params
Creating OCR keys for user 'orgrid', privgrp 'asmadmin'..
Operation successful.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
CRS-4664: Node db1 successfully pinned.
2016/05/16 22:10:54 CLSRSC-330: Adding Clusterware entries to file 'oracle-ohasd.conf'

db1     2016/05/16 22:11:11     /orgrid/oracle/product/121/cdata/db1/backup_20160516_221111.olr     0     
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'db1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'db1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'db1' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'db1' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
2016/05/16 22:12:19 CLSRSC-327: Successfully configured Oracle Restart for a standalone server

[root@db1 ~]# cd /etc/udev/rules.d/
[root@db1 rules.d]# cat 99-oracle-asmdevices.rules
KERNEL=="sdc4",NAME="asmdisk8",OWNER="orgrid",GROUP="asmadmin",MODE="0660"  [root@db1 rules.d]# [root@db1 rules.d]# udevadm control --reload-rules
[root@db1 rules.d]# udevadm trigger
[root@db1 rules.d]# ls -l /dev/asmdisk*
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 17 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk1
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 18 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk2
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 19 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk3
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 20 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk4
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 33 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk5
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 34 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk6
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 35 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk7
brw-rw---- 1 orgrid asmadmin 8, 36 May 16 23:03 /dev/asmdisk8
[root@db1 rules.d]# 


[root@db1 ~]# export ORACLE_HOME=/orgrid/oracle/product/121
[root@db1 ~]# export ORACLE_SID=+ASM
[root@db1 ~]# export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

[root@db1 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_state

Connected to an idle instance.

ASMCMD-9526: The AFD state is 'NOT INSTALLED' and filtering is 'DEFAULT' on host 'db1'
[root@db1 ~]#

[root@db1 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_configure
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD-9523: command cannot be used when Oracle Clusterware stack is up

[root@db1 ~]# crsctl stop has
CRS-2791: Starting shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'db1'
CRS-2673: Attempting to stop 'ora.evmd' on 'db1'
CRS-2677: Stop of 'ora.evmd' on 'db1' succeeded
CRS-2793: Shutdown of Oracle High Availability Services-managed resources on 'db1' has completed
CRS-4133: Oracle High Availability Services has been stopped.

[root@db1 ~]# $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_configure
Connected to an idle instance.
AFD-627: AFD distribution files found.
AFD-636: Installing requested AFD software.
AFD-637: Loading installed AFD drivers.
AFD-9321: Creating udev for AFD.
AFD-9323: Creating module dependencies - this may take some time.
AFD-9154: Loading 'oracleafd.ko' driver.
AFD-649: Verifying AFD devices.
AFD-9156: Detecting control device '/dev/oracleafd/admin'.
AFD-638: AFD installation correctness verified.
Modifying resource dependencies - this may take some time.
[root@db1 ~]# 

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_state
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD-9526: The AFD state is 'LOADED' and filtering is 'DEFAULT' on host 'db1'
[root@db1 ~]# /orgrid/oracle/product/121/bin/crsctl start has
CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
[root@db1 ~]#
[orgrid@db1 ~]$
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ pwd
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ ls -ltr afd*
-rwxr-x--- 1 orgrid asmadmin     1000 May 23  2014 afdroot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 orgrid asmadmin 72836515 Jul  1  2014 afdboot
-rwxr-xr-x 1 orgrid asmadmin   184403 Jul  1  2014 afdtool.bin
-rwxr-x--- 1 orgrid asmadmin      766 May 16 23:29 afdload
-rwxr-x--- 1 orgrid asmadmin     1254 May 16 23:29 afddriverstate
-rwxr-xr-x 1 orgrid asmadmin     2829 May 16 23:29 afdtool
[root@db1 ~]# crsctl stat res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details       
Local Resources
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      db1                      STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
[root@db1 ~]#

[orgrid@db1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_label ASMDISK1 /dev/asmdisk1
Connected to an idle instance.
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_lsdsk
Connected to an idle instance.
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk1
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_label ASMDISK2 /dev/asmdisk2
Connected to an idle instance.
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_lsdsk
Connected to an idle instance.
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk1
ASMDISK2                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk2
[orgrid@db1 bin]$ asmcmd
Connected to an idle instance.
ASMCMD> afd_label ASMDISK3 /dev/asmdisk3
ASMCMD> afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk1
ASMDISK2                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk2
ASMDISK3                    ENABLED   /dev/asmdisk3

[root@db1 rules.d]# ls -ltr|tail -5
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  789 Mar 10 05:18 70-persistent-cd.rules
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  341 Mar 10 05:25 99-vmware-scsi-udev.rules
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  190 May 16 22:11 55-usm.rules
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  600 May 16 23:03 99-oracle-asmdevices.rules
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  230 May 17 00:31 53-afd.rules
[root@db1 rules.d]#
[orgrid@db1 rules.d]$ pwd
[root@db1 rules.d]# cat 53-afd.rules
# AFD devices
KERNEL=="oracleafd/.*", OWNER="orgrid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0770"
KERNEL=="oracleafd/*", OWNER="orgrid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0770"
KERNEL=="oracleafd/disks/*", OWNER="orgrid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
[root@db1 rules.d]# cat 55-usm.rules
# ADVM devices
KERNEL=="asm/*",      GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0770"
KERNEL=="asm/.*",     GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0770"
# ACFS devices
KERNEL=="ofsctl",     GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0664"
[root@db1 rules.d]# 

安装后会看到udev rules下面多了一些文件,实际上ASMFD仍使用了udev

[orgrid@db1 dbs]$ srvctl add asm
[orgrid@db1 dbs]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
orgrid    42414  36911  0 14:26 pts/2    00:00:00 grep pmon
[orgrid@db1 dbs]$ crsctl stat res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details       
Local Resources
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      db1                      STABLE
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      db1                      STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
[orgrid@db1 dbs]$

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init*.ora
[orgrid@db1 ~]$
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
orgrid    42724  42694  0 14:30 pts/2    00:00:00 grep pmon
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ srvctl start asm
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
orgrid    42807      1  0 14:30 ?        00:00:00 asm_pmon_+ASM
orgrid    42888  42694  0 14:31 pts/2    00:00:00 grep pmon

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ crsctl stat res -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details       
Local Resources
               ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      Started,STABLE
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      db1                      STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       db1                      STABLE
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ 

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmca -silent  -sysAsmPassword oracle -asmsnmpPassword oracle -createDiskGroup -diskString 'AFD:*' -diskGroupName DATA_AFD -disk 'AFD:ASMDISK1' -disk 'AFD:ASMDISK2' -redundancy Normal -au_size 4  -compatible.asm 12.1 -compatible.rdbms 12.1
Disk Group DATA_AFD created successfully.
[orgrid@db1 ~]$

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd spget
[orgrid@db1 ~]$
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue May 17 15:09:26 2016
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Automatic Storage Management option

SQL> show parameter spf

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string
SQL> create spfile='+DATA_AFD' from pfile;
File created.
SQL> show parameter spf
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Automatic Storage Management option
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd spget
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ 

备份并移除udev rule文件99-oracle-asmdevices.rules

重命名99-oracle-asmdevices.rules为99-oracle-asmdevices.rules.bak。如果不move 99-oracle-asmdevices.rules文件,下次重启之后,之前ASMFD标识过的磁盘,看不到。
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd afd_lsdsk
There are no labelled devices.
[root@db1 ~]# ls -l /dev/oracleafd/disks
total 0
[root@db1 ~]# ls -l /dev/oracleafd/
admin  disks/ 

设置磁盘Discovery String字符串
ASMCMD> afd_dsget
AFD discovery string:
ASMCMD> afd_dsset '/dev/sd*'       --设置ASMFD discovery string为原来物理磁盘的信息
ASMCMD> afd_dsget
AFD discovery string: '/dev/sd*'
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd afd_dsget
AFD discovery string: '/dev/sd*'
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd dsget       --设置ASM磁盘组iscovery string为AFD:*     
[orgrid@db1 ~]$

[root@db1 ~]# ls -l /dev/oracleafd/disks/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 May 17 00:15 ASMDISK1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 May 17 00:15 ASMDISK2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10 May 17 00:15 ASMDISK3
[root@db1 ~]#
ASMCMD> lsdsk  --candidate   
ASMCMD> afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb1
ASMDISK2                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb2
ASMDISK3                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb3

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 17 00:30 ASMDISK1 -> ../../sdb1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 17 00:30 ASMDISK2 -> ../../sdb2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 May 17 00:31 ASMDISK3 -> ../../sdb3
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ 

ASMCMD> help afd_filter
        Sets the AFD filtering mode on a given disk path.
        If the command is executed without specifying a disk path then
        filtering is set at node level.
ASMCMD> afd_filter -e /dev/sdb2
ASMCMD> afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb1
ASMDISK2                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb2
ASMDISK3                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb3
ASMCMD> afd_filter -e
ASMCMD> afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                    ENABLED   /dev/sdb1
ASMDISK2                    ENABLED   /dev/sdb2
ASMDISK3                    ENABLED   /dev/sdb3

SQL> create diskgroup DATA_PGOLD external redundancy disk 'AFD:ASMDISK3';
Diskgroup created.

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ kfed read AFD:ASMDISK3
kfbh.endian:                          1 ; 0x000: 0x01
kfbh.hard:                          130 ; 0x001: 0x82
kfbh.type:                            1 ; 0x002: KFBTYP_DISKHEAD
kfbh.datfmt:                          1 ; 0x003: 0x01
kfbh.block.blk:                       0 ; 0x004: blk=0
kfbh.block.obj:              2147483648 ; 0x008: disk=0
kfbh.check:                   771071217 ; 0x00c: 0x2df59cf1
kfbh.fcn.base:                        0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000
kfbh.fcn.wrap:                        0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare1:                          0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
kfbh.spare2:                          0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
kfdhdb.driver.provstr: ORCLDISKASMDISK3 ; 0x000: length=16
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[0]:   1145918273 ; 0x008: 0x444d5341
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[1]:    843797321 ; 0x00c: 0x324b5349
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[2]:            0 ; 0x010: 0x00000000
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[3]:            0 ; 0x014: 0x00000000
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[4]:            0 ; 0x018: 0x00000000
kfdhdb.driver.reserved[5]:            0 ; 0x01c: 0x00000000
kfdhdb.compat:                168820736 ; 0x020: 0x0a100000
kfdhdb.dsknum:                        0 ; 0x024: 0x0000
kfdhdb.grptyp:                        1 ; 0x026: KFDGTP_EXTERNAL
kfdhdb.hdrsts:                        3 ; 0x027: KFDHDR_MEMBER
kfdhdb.dskname:                ASMDISK3 ; 0x028: length=8
kfdhdb.grpname:              DATA_PGOLD ; 0x048: length=10
kfdhdb.fgname:                 ASMDISK2 ; 0x068: length=8
kfdhdb.capname:                         ; 0x088: length=0
kfdhdb.crestmp.hi:             33035808 ; 0x0a8: HOUR=0x0 DAYS=0x11 MNTH=0x5 YEAR=0x7e0
kfdhdb.crestmp.lo:           3231790080 ; 0x0ac: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x4d SECS=0xa MINS=0x30
kfdhdb.mntstmp.hi:             33035808 ; 0x0b0: HOUR=0x0 DAYS=0x11 MNTH=0x5 YEAR=0x7e0
kfdhdb.mntstmp.lo:           3239631872 ; 0x0b4: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x237 SECS=0x11 MINS=0x30
kfdhdb.secsize:                     512 ; 0x0b8: 0x0200
kfdhdb.blksize:                    4096 ; 0x0ba: 0x1000
kfdhdb.ausize:                  1048576 ; 0x0bc: 0x00100000
kfdhdb.mfact:                    113792 ; 0x0c0: 0x0001bc80
kfdhdb.dsksize:                    2055 ; 0x0c4: 0x00000807
kfdhdb.pmcnt:                         2 ; 0x0c8: 0x00000002
kfdhdb.fstlocn:                       1 ; 0x0cc: 0x00000001
kfdhdb.altlocn:                       2 ; 0x0d0: 0x00000002
kfdhdb.f1b1locn:                      2 ; 0x0d4: 0x00000002
kfdhdb.redomirrors[0]:                0 ; 0x0d8: 0x0000
kfdhdb.redomirrors[1]:                0 ; 0x0da: 0x0000
kfdhdb.redomirrors[2]:                0 ; 0x0dc: 0x0000
kfdhdb.redomirrors[3]:                0 ; 0x0de: 0x0000
kfdhdb.dbcompat:              168820736 ; 0x0e0: 0x0a100000
kfdhdb.grpstmp.hi:             33035808 ; 0x0e4: HOUR=0x0 DAYS=0x11 MNTH=0x5 YEAR=0x7e0
kfdhdb.grpstmp.lo:           3231717376 ; 0x0e8: USEC=0x0 MSEC=0x6 SECS=0xa MINS=0x30

[root@db1 log]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb3
dd: writing to `/dev/sdb3': No space left on device
4209031+0 records in
4209030+0 records out
2155023360 bytes (2.2 GB) copied, 235.599 s, 9.1 MB/s
[root@db1 log]# 

[root@db1 ~]# strings -a /dev/sdb3
[root@db1 ~]#
[root@db1 ~]#


[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      2055     1993                0            1993              0             N  DATA_PGOLD/
ASMCMD> umount data_pgold
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
ASMCMD> mount data_pgold
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      2055     1993                0            1993              0             N  DATA_PGOLD/

[root@db1 log]# tail -3 messages
May 17 01:10:34 db1 kernel: F 4297082.224/160516171034 flush-8:16[9173]  afd_mkrequest_fn: write IO on ASM managed device (major=8/minor=18)  not supported i=2 start=8418038 seccnt=2  pstart=4209030  pend=8418060
May 17 01:10:34 db1 kernel: F 4297082.224/160516171034 flush-8:16[9173]  afd_mkrequest_fn: write IO on ASM managed device (major=8/minor=18)  not supported i=2 start=8418040 seccnt=2  pstart=4209030  pend=8418060
May 17 01:10:34 db1 kernel: F 4297082.224/160516171034 flush-8:16[9173]  afd_mkrequest_fn: write IO on ASM managed device (major=8/minor=18)  not supported i=2 s
[root@db1 log]# 

ASMCMD> afd_filter -d
ASMCMD> afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
ASMDISK1                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb1
ASMDISK2                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb2
ASMDISK3                   DISABLED   /dev/sdb3
ASMCMD> exit
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ 

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ dd if=/dev/sdb3 of=block1 bs=1024 count=1
dd: opening `/dev/sdb3': Permission denied
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ exit
[root@db1 ~]# dd if=/dev/sdb3 of=block1 bs=1024 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1024 bytes (1.0 kB) copied, 0.00236493 s, 433 kB/s
[root@db1 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb3 bs=1024 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1024 bytes (1.0 kB) copied, 0.000458225 s, 2.2 MB/s
[root@db1 ~]# su - orgrid

[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      2055     1993                0            1993              0             N  DATA_PGOLD/
ASMCMD> umount data_pgold
ASMCMD> mount data_pgold
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15017: diskgroup "DATA_PGOLD" cannot be mounted
ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)

[root@db1 ~]# /orgrid/oracle/product/121/bin/kfed repair /dev/sdb3
[root@db1 ~]# su - orgrid
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
ASMCMD> mount data_pgold
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      2055     1993                0            1993              0             N  DATA_PGOLD/

[root@db1 ~]# dd if=block1 of=/dev/sdb2 bs=1024 count=1 conv=notrunc
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
1024 bytes (1.0 kB) copied, 0.000467297 s, 2.2 MB/s
[root@db1 ~]# su - orgrid
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ asmcmd
ASMCMD> mount data_pgold
ASMCMD> lsdg
State    Type    Rebal  Sector  Block       AU  Total_MB  Free_MB  Req_mir_free_MB  Usable_file_MB  Offline_disks  Voting_files  Name
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      4110     4058                0            4058              0             N  DATA_ADF/
MOUNTED  EXTERN  N         512   4096  1048576      2055     1993                0            1993              0             N  DATA_PGOLD/

ASMCMD> exit
[orgrid@db1 ~]$

增加AFD DISK,一般用户没权限添加,必须用root用户
ASMCMD> help afd_label
        To set the given label to the specified disk
[orgrid@db1 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd afd_label ASMDISK4 /dev/sdb4
ORA-15227: could not perform label set/clear operation
ORA-15031: disk specification '/dev/sdb4' matches no disks (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute)
ASMCMD-9513: ASM disk label set operation failed.
[root@db1 ~]# /orgrid/oracle/product/121/bin/asmcmd afd_label ASMDISK4 /dev/sdb4
Connected to an idle instance.
[root@db1 ~]#

问:运行afd_configure时遇到ASMCMD-9524: AFD configuration failed 'ERROR: OHASD start failed'

问:什么时候用afd_label --migrate


Configure ASMFD
Configure in Restart

关键词:12c asm 


Oracle事务卫士(Transaction Guard)和应用连续性(Application Continuity)
Oracle ASM from 10g to 18c
在18c中通过ASM Flex DiskGroup克隆PDB
Exadata and ASM
Oracle ASM Storage Limits
How to generate AWR on PDB and ADG(12.2 afterwards)
Exadata with database 12.2