Oracle SQL Developer is a free integrated development environment that simplifies the development and management of Oracle Database in both traditional and Cloud deployments. SQL Developer offers complete end-to-end development of your PL/SQL applications, a worksheet for running queries and scripts, a DBA console for managing the database, a reports interface, a complete data modeling solution, and a migration platform for moving your 3rd party databases to Oracle.
SQL Deverloper是集成数据库管理、开发、设计、分析、诊断、优化、数据库比对、数据库复制、迁移为一身,是云端和本地非常优秀的必备工具。
Oracle SQL Developer, Release 17.2
Related Documentation:
SQLcl Command-Line Reference
Oracle Database Documentation
Past releases:
Oracle SQL Developer, Release 4.2
Oracle SQL Developer, Release 4.1