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Oracle VM--如何使用Deploycluster tool快速部署4个节点RAC


A.了解Oracle VM虚拟化的

B.之前曾经部署过Oracle VM Manager和Oracle VM Server

C.通过Oracle VM Manager配置过网络,Repository,ServerPool等

Oracle VM 3 users can benefit from the DeployCluster tool which now fully supports Single Instance, Oracle Restart (SIHA) or RAC deployments. The tool leverages the Oracle VM 3 API so that given a set of VMs it quickly boots them up sends the needed configuration details, and an automated Single Instance or cluster build is initiated, without requiring the user to login to Dom0, any of the involved VMs or Oracle VM Manager.

Download DeployCluster Tool Download (for Oracle VM 3.3 or higher)  
Download DeployCluster Tool Download (for Oracle VM 3.2 or lower)
Documentation for Oracle VM 3 usersDeployCluster Tool
Note: For Deploycluster to function properly, an OVMAPI enabled OS disk (released since 2012) must be used in an Oracle VM 3 Manager and Server framework.
Use DeployCluster version 3.x for deployments on Oracle VM 3.3 or higher; useDeployCluster version 2.x for deployments on Oracle VM 3.2 or lower.
Single Instance and Oracle 12c support comes with deploycluster version 2.0 or above.

See DeployCluster documentations for additional details.


Oracle VM 3.3及以上的版本:使用Deploycluster tool version 3.x部署

Oracle VM 3.2及以下的版本:使用Deploycluster tool version 2.x部署

导入Oracle VM模板
在Oracle VM3.x中,如果没有配置ftp或http,可以通过python创建一个迷你的http服务器,然后再导入VM Template模板
  $python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
  http://<Ip Address>:8080

导入VM Template后,通过Deploycluster tool可以很快的帮你部署一套集群。其实主要有2个文件,一个是网络配置文件(netconfig12cRAC4node.ini),一个是数据库参数文件(params12c.ini)

通过Deploycluster tool部署4个节点RAC的架构图

[root@ovm utils]# cat netconfig12cRAC4node.ini 
# Node specific information




# Common data
DOMAINNAME=localdomain  # May be blank
DNSIP=  # Starting from 2013 Templates allows multi value
# Device used to transfer network information to second node
# in interview mode
# 11gR2 specific data

# 12c Flex parameters (uncomment to take effect)
FLEX_CLUSTER=yes  # If 'yes' implies Flex ASM as well
ASMADAP=eth2  # Must be different than private/public

# Single Instance (description in params.ini) 
# CLONE_SINGLEINSTANCE=yes  # Setup Single Instance
# CLONE_SINGLEINSTANCE_HA=yes  # Setup Single Instance/HA (Oracle Restart)
[root@ovm utils]# 

#/* Copyright 2013,  Oracle. All rights reserved. */
# WRITTEN BY: Oracle.
#  v1.0: Jul-2013 Creation
# Oracle DB/RAC 12c OneCommand for Oracle VM - Generic configuration file
# For Single Instance, Single Instance HA (Oracle Restart) and Oracle RAC
# Generic Parameters
# NOTE: The first section holds more advanced parameters that
#       should be modified by advanced users or if instructed by Oracle.
# See further down this file for the basic user modifiable parameters.
# Temp directory (for OUI), optional
# Default: /tmp
# Progress logfile location
# Default: $TMPDIR/progress-racovm.out
# Must begin with a "+", see "man 1 date" for valid date formats, optional.
# Default: "+%Y-%m-%d %T"
# Should '' be used (default no) or direct 'attach home' (default yes)
# to activate the Grid and RAC homes.
# Attach is possible in the VM since all relinking was done already
# Certain changes may still trigger a clone/relink operation such as switching
# from role to non-role separation.
# Default: yes
# Should a re-link be done on the Grid and RAC homes. Default is no,
# since the software was relinked in VM already. Setting it to yes
# forces a relink on both homes, and overrides the clone/attach option
# above by forcing clone operation (
# Default: no
# Should a re-link be done on the Grid and RAC homes in case of a major
# OS change; Default is yes.  In case the homes are attached to a different
# major OS than they were linked against, a relink will be automatically
# performed.  For example, if the homes were linked on OL5 and then used
# with an OL6 OS, or vice versa, a relink will be performed. To disable
# this automated relinking during install (cloning step), set this
# value to no (not recommended)
# Default: yes
# The root of the oracle install must be an absolute path starting with a /
# Default: /u01/app
# The location of the Oracle Inventory
# Default: $RACROOT/oraInventory
# The location of the SOFTWARE base
# In role separated configuration GIBASE may be defined to set the location
# of the Grid home which defaults to $RACROOT/$GRIDOWNER.
# The location of the Grid home, must be set in RAC or Single Instance HA deployments
# Default: $RACROOT/12.1.0/grid
# The location of the DB RAC home, must be set in non-Clusterware only deployments
# Default: ${RACBASE}/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
# The disk string used to discover ASM disks, it should cover all disks
# on all nodes, even if their physical names differ. It can also hold
# ASMLib syntax, e.g. ORCL:VOL*, and have as many elements as needed
# separated by space, tab or comma.
# Do not remove the "set -/+o noglob" options below, they are required
# so that discovery string don't expand on assignment.
set -o noglob
set +o noglob
# Provide list of devices or actual partitions to use. If actual
# partition number is specified no partitioning will be done, otherwise specify
# top level device name and the disk will automatically be partitioned with
# one partition using 'parted'. For example, if /dev/xvdh4 is listed
# below it will be used as is, if it does not exist an error will be raised.
# However, if /dev/xvdh is listed it will be automatically partitioned
# and /dev/xvdh1 will be used.
# Minimum of 5 devices or partitions are recommended (see ASM_MIN_DISKS).
# Provide list of ASMLib disks to use.  Can be either "diskname" or
# "ORCL:diskname".  They must be manually configured in ASMLib by
# mapping them to correct block device (this part is not yet automated).
# If you include any disks here they should also be included
# in RACASMDISKSTRING setting above (discovery string).
# By default 5 disks for ASM are recommended to provide higher redundancy
# for OCR/Voting files. If for some reason you want to use less
# disks, then uncomment ASM_MIN_DISKS below and set to the new minimum.
# Make needed adjustments in ALLDISKS and/or ALLDISKS_ASMLIB above.
# Default: 5
# By default, whole disks specified in ALLDISKS will be partitioned with
# one partition. If you prefer not to partition and use whole disk, set
# PARTITION_WHOLE_DISKS to no. Keep in mind that if at a later time
# someone will repartition the disk, data may be lost. Probably better
# to leave it as "yes" and signal it's used by having a partition created.
# Default: yes
# By default, disk *names* are assumed to exist with same name on all nodes, i.e
# all nodes will have /dev/xvdc, /dev/xvdd, etc.  It doesn't mean that the *ordering*
# is also identical, i.e. xvdc can really be xvdd on the other node.
# If such persistent naming (not ordering) is not the case, i.e node1 has
# xvdc,xvdd but node2 calls them: xvdn,xvdm then PERSISTENT_DISKNAMES should be
# set to NO.  In the case where disks are named differently on each node, a
# stamping operation should take place (writing to second sector on disk)
# to verify if all nodes see all disks.
# Stamping only happens on the node the build is running from, and backup
# is taken to $TMPDIR/StampDisk-backup-diskname.dd. Remote nodes read the stamped
# data and if all disks are discovered on all nodes the disk configuration continues.
# Default: yes
# This parameter decides whether disk stamping takes place or not to discover and verify
# that all nodes see all disks.  Stamping is the only way to know 100% that the disks
# are actually the same ones on all nodes before installation begins.
# The master node writes a unique uuid to each disk on the second sector of the disk,
# then remote nodes read and discover all disks.
# If you prefer not to stamp the disks, set DISCOVER_VERIFY_REMOTE_DISKS_BY_STAMPING to
# no. However, in that case, PERSISTENT_DISKNAMES must be set to "yes", otherwise, with
# both parameters set to "no" there is no way to calculate the remote disk names.
# The default for stamping is "yes" since in Virtual machine environments, scsi_id(8)
# doesn't return data for disks.
# Default: yes
# Permissions and ownership files, EL4 uses PERMISSIONFILE, EL5 uses UDEVFILE
# Disk permissions to be set on ASM disks use if want to override the below default
# Default: "660" (owner+group: read+write)
#  It may be possible in Non-role separation to use "640" (owner: read+write, group: read)
#  however, that is not recommended since if a new database OS user
#  is added at a later time in the future, it will not be able to write to the disks.
# ASM's minimum allocation unit (au_size) for objects/files/segments/extents of the first
# diskgroup, in some cases increasing to higher values may help performance (at the
# potential of a bit of space wasting). Legal values are 1,2,4,8,16,32 and 64 MB.
# Not recommended to go over 8MB. Currently if initial diskgroup holds OCR/Voting then it's
# maximum possible au_size is 16MB. Do not change unless you understand the topic.
# Most releases default to 1MB (Exadata's default: 4MB)
# Should we align the ASM disks to a 1MB boundary.
# Default: yes
# Should partitioned disks use the GPT partition table
# which supported devices larger than 2TB.
# Default: msdos
# These are internal functions that check if a disk/partition is held
# by any component. They are run in parallel on all nodes, but in sequence
# within a node. Do not modify these unless explicitly instructed to by Oracle.
HELDBY_FUNCTIONS=(HeldByRaid HeldByAsmlib HeldByPowerpath HeldByDeviceMapper HeldByUser HeldByFilesystem HeldBySwap)
##### STORAGE: Filesystem: DB/RAC: (shared) filesystem
# NOTE1: To not configure ASM unset RACASMGROUPNAME
# NOTE2: Not all operations/verification take place in a
#        FS configuration.
#  For example:
#   - The mount points are not automatically created/mounted
#   - Best effort verification is done that the correct
#     mount options are used.
# The filesystem directory to hold Database files (control, logfile, etc.)
# For RAC it must be a shared location (NFS, OCFS or in 12c ACFS),
# otherwise it may be a local filesystem (e.g. ext4).
# For NFS make sure mount options are correct as per docs
# such as Note:359515.1
# Default: None (Single Instance: $RACBASE/oradata)
# Should the database be created in the FS location mentioned above.
# If value is unset or set to no, the database is created in ASM.
# Default: no (Single Instance: yes)
# Should the above directory be cleared from Clusterware and Database
# files during a 'clean' or 'cleanlocal' operation.
# Default: no
# Names of OCR/VOTE disks, could be in above FS Datafile location
# or a different properly mounted (shared) filesystem location
# Default: None
# Location of OCR/VOTE disks. Value of "yes" means inside ASM
# whereas any other value means the OCR/Voting reside in CFS
# (above locations must be supplied)
# Default: yes
# Should addnodes operation COPY the entire Oracle Homes to newly added
# nodes. By default no copy is done to speed up the process, however
# if existing cluster members have changed (patches applied) compared
# to the newly created nodes (using the template), then a copy
# of the Oracle Homes might be desired so that the newly added node will
# get all the latest modifications from the current members.
# Default: no
# Should an add node operation fully clean the new node before adding
# it to the cluster. Setting to yes means that any lingering running
# Oracle processes on the new node are killed before the add node is
# started as well as all logs/traces are cleared from that node.
# Default: no
# Should a remove node operation fully clean the removed node after removing
# it from the cluster. Setting to yes means that any lingering running
# Oracle processes on the removed node are killed after the remove node is
# completed as well as all logs/traces are cleared from that node.
# Default: no
# Should 'cleanlocal' request prompt for confirmation if processes are running
# Note that a global 'clean' will fail if this is set to 'yes' and processes are running
# this is a designed safeguard to protect environment from accidental removal.
# Default: yes
# Should the recommended oracle-validated or oracle-rdbms-server-*-preinstall
# be checked for existence and dependencies during check step. If any missing
# rpms are found user will need to use up2date or other methods to resolve dependencies
# The RPM may be obtained from Unbreakable Linux Network or
# Default: yes
# Should the "verify" actions of the above RPM be run during buildcluster.
# These adjust kernel parameters. In the VM everything is pre-configured hence
# default is not to run.
# Default: no
# By default after clusterware installation CVU (Cluster Verification Utility)
# is executed to make sure all is well. Setting to 'yes' will skip this step.
# Set CLONE_SKIP_CVU_POSTHAS for SIHA (Oracle Restart) environments
# Default: no
# Allows to skip minimum disk space checks on the
# Oracle Homes (recommended not to skip)
# Default: no
# Allows to skip minimum memory checks (recommended not to skip)
# Default: no
# On systems with extreme memory limitations, e.g. VirtualBox, it may be needed
# to disable some Clusterware components to release some memory. Workload
# Management, Cluster Health Monitor and Cluster Verification Utility are
# disabled if this option is set to yes.
# This is only supported for production usage with Clusterware only installation.
# Default: no
# By default on systems with less than 4GB of RAM the /dev/shm will
# automatically resize to fit the specified configuration (ASM, DB).
# This is done because the default of 50% of RAM may not be enough. To
# disable this functionality set CLONE_TMPFS_SHM_RESIZE_NEVER=yes.
# Default: no
# To disable the modification of /etc/fstab with the calculated size of
# /dev/shm, set CLONE_TMPFS_SHM_RESIZE_MODIFY_FSTAB=no. This may mean that
# some instances may not properly start following a system reboot.
# Default: yes
# Configures the Cluster Management DB (aka Cluster Health Monitor or CHM/OS)
# Default: no
# Setting CLONE_CLUSTERWARE_ONLY to yes allows Clusterware only installation
# any operation to create a database or reference the DB home are ignored.
# Default: no
# As described in the README as well as Note:1212703.1 multicasting
# is required to run Oracle RAC starting with If this check fails
# review the note, and remove any firewall rules from Dom0, or re-configure
# the switch servicing the private network to allow multicasting from all
# nodes to all nodes.
# Default: yes
# Should a multicast check failure cause the build to stop. It's possible to
# perform the multicast check, but not stop on failures.
# Default: yes
# List of multicast addresses to check. By default supports
# only, however with fix for bug 9974223 or bundle 1 and higher
# the software also supports multicast address If future
# software releases will support more addresses, modify this list as needed.
# Default: ""
# The text specified in the NETCONFIG_RESOLVCONF_OPTIONS variable is written to
# the "options" field in the /etc/resolv.conf file during initial network setup.
# This variable can be set here in params.ini, or in netconfig.ini having the same
# effect. It should be a space separated options as described in "man 5 resolv.conf"
# under the "options" heading. Some useful options are:
# "single-request-reopen attempts:x timeout:x"  x being a digit value.
# The 'single-request-reopen' option may be helpful in some environments if
# in-bound ssh slowness occur.
# Note that minimal validation takes place to verify the options are correct.
# Default: ""
# The second section below holds basic parameters
# Configures a Single Instance environment, including a database as
# specified in BUILD_SI_DATABASE. In this mode, no Clusterware or ASM will be
# configured, hence all related parameters (e.g. ALLDISKS) are not relevant.
# The database must reside on a filesystem.
# This parameter may be placed in netconfig.ini for simpler deployment.
# Default: no
# Configures a Single Instance/HA environment, aka Oracle Restart, including
# a database as specified in BUILD_SI_DATABASE. The database may reside in
# ASM (if RACASMGROUPNAME is defined), or on a filesystem.
# This parameter may be placed in netconfig.ini for simpler deployment.
# Default: no
# SYNTAX for user/group are either (VAR denotes the variable names below):
#   VAR=username:uid   OR:  VAR=username
#                           VARID=uid
#   VAR=groupname:gid  OR:  VAR=groupname
#                           VARID=gid
#   If uid/gid are omitted no checks are made nor users created if need be.
#   If uid/gid are supplied they should be numeric and not clash
#   with existing uid/gids defined on the system already.
#   NOTE: In RAC usernames and uid/gid must match on all cluster nodes,
#         the verification process enforces that only if uid/gid's
#         are given below.
# If incorrect configuration is detected, changes to users and groups are made to
# correct them. If this is set to "no" then errors are reported
# without an attempt to fix them.
# (Users/groups are never dropped, only added or modified.)
# Default: yes
#    No Grid user is defined and all roles are set to 'dba'
#GIOSOPER=   # optional in 12c
#DBOSOPER=   # optional in 12c
# ROLE SEPARATION: (uncomment lines below)
#    See Note:1092213.1
#    (Numeric changes made to uid/gid to reduce the footprint and possible clashes
#     with existing users/groups)
##GIOSOPER=   # optional in 12c
##DBOSOPER=   # optional in 12c
## New in 12c are these 3 roles, if unset, they default to "DBOSDBA"
# The name for the Grid home in the inventory
# Default: OraGrid12c
# The name for the DB/RAC home in the inventory
# Default: OraRAC12c (Single Instance: OraDB12c)
# The name of the ASM diskgroup, default "DATA"
# If unset ASM will not be configured (see filesystem section above)
# Default: DATA
# The ASM Redundancy for the diskgroup above
# Valid values are EXTERNAL, NORMAL or HIGH
# Default: NORMAL (if unset)
# Allows running the Clusterware with a different timezone than the system's timezone.
# If CLONE_CLUSTERWARE_TIMEZONE is not set, the Clusterware Timezone will
# be set to the system's timezone of the node running the build.  System timezone is
# defined in /etc/sysconfig/clock (ZONE variable), if not defined or file missing
# comparison of /etc/localtime file is made against the system's timezone database in
# /usr/share/zoneinfo, if no match or /etc/localtime is missing GMT is used. If you
# want to override the above logic, simply set CLONE_CLUSTERWARE_TIMEZONE to desired
# timezone. Note that a complete timezone is needed, e.g. "PST" or "EDT" is not enough
# needs to be full timezone spec, e.g. "PST8PDT" or "America/New_York".
# This variable is only honored in or above
# Default: OS
# Create an ACFS volume?
# Default: no
# If ACFS volume is to be created, this is the mount point.
# It will automatically get created on all nodes.
# Default: /myacfs
# Name of ACFS volume to optionally create.
# Default: MYACFS
# Size of ACFS volume in GigaBytes.
# Default: 3
# NOTE: In the OVM3 enhanced RAC Templates when using deploycluster
# tool (outside of the VMs). The correct and secure way to transfer/set the
# passwords is to remove them from this file and use the -P (--params)
# flag to transfer this params.ini during deploy operation, in which
# case the passwords will be prompted, and sent to all VMs in a secure way.
# The password that will be set for the ASM and RAC databases
# as well as EM DB Console and the oracle OS user.
# If not defined here they will be prompted for (only once)
# at the start of the build. Required to be set here or environment
# for silent mode.
# Use single quote to prevent shell parsing of special characters.
# Password for 'root' user. If not defined here it will be prompted
# for (only once) at the start of the build.
# Assumed to be same on both nodes and required to be set here or
# environment for silent mode.
# Use single quote to prevent shell parsing of special characters.
# Build Database? The BUILD_RAC_DATABASE will build a RAC database and
# BUILD_SI_DATABASE a single instance database (also in a RAC environment)
# Default: yes
# Allows for database and listener to be started automatically at next
# system boot. This option is only applicable in Single Instance mode.
# In Single Instance/HA or RAC mode, the Clusterware starts up all
# resources (listener, ASM, databases).
# Default: yes
# Comma separated list of name value pairs for database initialization parameters
# Use with care, no validation takes place.
# For example: "sort_area_size=99999,control_file_record_keep_time=99"
# Default: none
# Create a 12c Container Database allowing pluggable databases to be added
# using options below, or at a later time.
# Default: no
# Pluggable Database name. In 'createdb' operation a number is appended at the end
# based on count (below). In 'deletepdb' exact name must be specified here or in
# an environment variable.
# Default: mypdb
# Number of Pluggable Databases to create during a 'createdb' operation. A value
# of zero (default) disables pluggable database creation.
# Default: 0
# Should a Policy Managed database be created taking into account the
# options below. If set to 'no' an Admin Managed database is created.
# Default: no
# Create Server Pools (Policy Managed database).
# Default: yes
# Recreate Server Pools; if already exist (Policy Managed database).
# Default: no
# List of server pools to create (Policy Managed database).
# Syntax is poolname:category:min:max
# All except name can be omitted. Category can be Hub or Leaf.
# Default: mypool
# List of Server Pools to be used by the created database (Policy Managed database).
# The server pools listed in DBCA_SERVERPOOLS must appear in CLONE_SERVERPOOLS
# (and CLONE_CREATE_SERVERPOOLS set to yes), OR must be manually pre-created for
# the create database to succeed.
# Default: mypool
# Database character set.
# Default: WE8MSWIN1252 (previous default was AL32UTF8)
# Use this DBCA template name, file must exist under $DBHOME/assistants/dbca/templates
# Default: "General_Purpose.dbc"
# Should the database include the sample schema
# Default: no
# Registers newly created database to be periodically monitored by Cluster Verification
# Utility (CVU) on a continuous basis.
# Default: no
# Certain patches applied to the Oracle home require execution of some SQL post
# database creation for the fix to be applied completely. These files are located
# under patches/postsql subdirectory. It is possible to run them serially (adds
# to overall build time), or in the background which is the default.
# Note that when running in background these scripts may run a little longer after
# the RAC Cluster + Database are finished building, however that should not cause
# any issues. If overall build time is not a concern change this to NO and have
# the scripts run as part of the actual build in serial.
# Default: yes
# An optional user custom SQL may be executed post database creation, default name of
# script is user_custom_postsql.sql, it is located under patches/postsql subdirectory.
# Default: user_custom_postsql.sql
# The Database Name
# Default: ORCL
# The Instance name, may be different than database name. Limited in length of
# 1 to 8 for a RAC DB and 1 to 12 for Single Instance DB of alphanumeric characters.
# Ignored for Policy Managed DB.
# Default: ORCL
# Configure EM DB Express
# Default: no
# DB Express port number. If left at the default, a free port will be assigned at
# runtime, otherwise the port should be unused on all network adapters.
# Default: 5500
# SCAN (Single Client Access Name) port number
# Default: 1521
# Local Listener port number
# Default: 1521
# Allows color coding of log messages, errors (red), warning (yellow),
# info (green). By default no colors are used.
# Default: NO

deploycluster2帮助信息(适用于Oracle VM 3.2及以下的版本)
[root@ovm deploycluster2]# ./ -h
Oracle DB/RAC OneCommand (v2.1.2) for Oracle VM - deploy cluster - (c) 2011-2015 Oracle Corporation
 (com: 29100:v2.0.4, lib: 182513:v2.0.6, var: 1600:v2.0.6) - v2.6.6 - (x86_64)
Invoked as root at Sat Oct  8 04:35:02 2016  (size: 47000, mtime: Thu Sep 17 18:03:35 2015)
Usage: <Oracle VM Manager login> <DB/RAC Templates Options> provides fully automated backend Oracle DB/Single Instance or
RAC cluster deployment. It assumes all VMs are pre-created from the base
Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template and assigned correct disks & network to allow a
successful cluster deployment. It then starts the VMs (if needed), verifies
they are configured correctly (disk, network, etc.) then sends the network &
build parameters to all VMs. This configures the VMs network and optionally
launches a buildsingle/buildcluster on the single VM or N-nodes cluster to
obtain a fully configured single instance or Oracle RAC environment. See
deploycluster.ini options file for more details. *** NOTE: This version of only supports Oracle VM version 3.2 and below. See My Oracle
Support Note#1185244.1 and OTN for deployment options on higher versions of
Oracle VM Manager, use the newer version 3 of the tool. ***

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  Oracle VM Manager Login:
    Credentials to login to Oracle VM Manager (SSL supported)
    -u <username>, --username=<username>
                        Username to connect to Oracle VM Manager
    -p <password>, --password=<password>
                        Password to connect to Oracle VM Manager
    -H <host>, --host=<host>
                        Manager hostname (use either -H or -U or omit for
                        local host)
    -U <url>, --url=<url>
                        Login URL to Manager (default: tcp://localhost:54321
                        or tcps://host:54322 when -H used to remote node)
  Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template Options:
    Identify which VMs to deploy as Single Instance or a cluster - pass
    any special build attributes. Commonly used flags: -M, -N & -P.
    -L, --list_vms_only
                        List VMs seen via Oracle VM Manager; Honors -M flag
    -M <List of VMs>, --vms=<List of VMs>
                        List of existing VM names or IDs to deploy cluster on.
                        Supports "*" & "?" wildcard characters
    -P <params.ini>, --params=<params.ini>
                        Location of params.ini file (sent to VMs)
    -N <netconfig.ini>, --netconfig=<netconfig.ini>
                        Location of netconfig.ini file (sent to VMs)
    -B <yes|no>, --buildcluster=<yes|no>
                        Start a buildcluster/buildsingle post-network setup
                        (default: yes. [If netconfig_args passed then default:
    -G <args>, --netconfig_args=<args>
                        Advanced: Arguments to netconfig; In short they are:
                        -n<#>: Node number for this node or starting node
                        number. -b[#]: Initiate a buildcluster/buildsingle
                        (optional node count). -R/W: Read or Write
                        netconfig.ini data from disk. -c <d>: Disk that holds
                        netconfig.ini details. The special keyword "yes"
                        indicates the 2-node interview. The "out" keyword
                        skips any network setup.
    -K <zip file>, --kitfile=<zip file>
                        Advanced: Unzip new (partial) kitfile inside the VMs
    -X <file>, --extrakeys=<file>
                        Advanced: File containing extra keys to send all VMs
    -D, --dryrun        Show what will be done (do not start VMs or send msgs)
[root@ovm deploycluster2]# 

deploycluster3帮助信息(适用于Oracle VM 3.3及以上)

[root@ovm media]# cd deploycluster3/
[root@ovm deploycluster3]# ./ -h
Oracle DB/RAC OneCommand (v3.0.4) for Oracle VM - deploy cluster - (c) 2011-2016 Oracle Corporation
 (com: 29100:v3.0.4, lib: 231044:v3.0.3, var: 1800:v3.0.4) - v2.6.6 - (x86_64)
Invoked as root at Sat Oct  8 04:36:27 2016  (size: 43800, mtime: Mon Feb  1 10:12:03 2016)
Usage: <Oracle VM Manager login> <DB/RAC Templates Options> provides fully automated backend Oracle DB/Single Instance or
RAC cluster deployment. It assumes all VMs are pre-created from the base
Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template and assigned correct disks & network to allow a
successful cluster deployment. It then starts the VMs (if needed), verifies
they are configured correctly (disk, network, etc.) then sends the network &
build parameters to all VMs. This configures the VMs network and optionally
launches a buildsingle/buildcluster on the single VM or N-nodes cluster to
obtain a fully configured single instance or Oracle RAC environment. See
deploycluster.ini options file for more details. *** NOTE: This version of only supports Oracle VM version 3.3 and above. See My Oracle
Support Note#1185244.1 and OTN for deployment options on lower versions of
Oracle VM Manager, use the older version 2 of the tool. ***

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  Oracle VM Manager Login:
    Credentials to login to Oracle VM Manager

    -u <username>, --username=<username>
                        Username to connect to Oracle VM Manager
    -p <password>, --password=<password>
                        Password to connect to Oracle VM Manager
    -H <host>, --host=<host>
                        Manager hostname, IP address or omit for local host
    -r <port>, --port=<port>
                        Manager WebServices API port number (default: 7002)
  Oracle VM Manager Login - CERTIFICATE:
    Certificate related login credentials to access Oracle VM Manager
    -I, --insecure      Ignore SSL certificate and host name checks - not for
                        production environments
                        The keystore used to store your login key and
                        certificates (default: ~/.ovmkeystore)
                        The password for the keystore
                        The password for the login key (can be omitted if same
                        as keystore password)
  Oracle DB/RAC OVM Template Options:
    Identify which VMs to deploy as Single Instance or a cluster - pass
    any special build attributes. Commonly used flags: -M, -N & -P.
    -L, --list_vms_only
                        List VMs seen via Oracle VM Manager; Honors -M flag
    -M <List of VMs>, --vms=<List of VMs>
                        List of existing VM names or IDs to deploy cluster on.
                        Supports "*" & "?" wildcard characters
    -P <params.ini>, --params=<params.ini>
                        Location of params.ini file (sent to VMs)
    -N <netconfig.ini>, --netconfig=<netconfig.ini>
                        Location of netconfig.ini file (sent to VMs)
    -B <yes|no>, --buildcluster=<yes|no>
                        Start a buildcluster/buildsingle post-network setup
                        (default: yes. [If netconfig_args passed then default:
    -G <args>, --netconfig_args=<args>
                        Advanced: Arguments to netconfig; In short they are:
                        -n<#>: Node number for this node or starting node
                        number. -b[#]: Initiate a buildcluster/buildsingle
                        (optional node count). -R/W: Read or Write
                        netconfig.ini data from disk. -c <d>: Disk that holds
                        netconfig.ini details. The special keyword "yes"
                        indicates the 2-node interview. The "out" keyword
                        skips any network setup.
    -K <zip file>, --kitfile=<zip file>
                        Advanced: Unzip new (partial) kitfile inside the VMs
    -X <file>, --extrakeys=<file>
                        Advanced: File containing extra keys to send all VMs
    -D, --dryrun        Show what will be done (do not start VMs or send msgs)
[root@ovm deploycluster3]# 


[root@ovm-mgr deploycluster2]# ./ -u admin -M ohs.? -N utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini -P utils/12cdb.ini -D
-u   指定VM Manager的用户名
-M  准备用作RAC集群的server名字
-N  指定网络配置文件(netconfig12cRAC4node.ini).
-P  指定数据库配置文件(12cdb.ini).
-D  意思为Dryrun模式,不加-D表示正式执行
Oracle DB/RAC OneCommand (v2.1.2) for Oracle VM - deploy cluster - (c) 2011-2015 Oracle Corporation
 (com: 29100:v2.0.4, lib: 182513:v2.0.6, var: 1600:v2.0.6) - v2.4.3 - (x86_64)
Invoked as root at Thu Oct  6 10:06:08 2016  (size: 47000, mtime: Thu Sep 17 15:03:35 2015)
Using: ./ -u admin -M ohs.? -N utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini -P utils/12cdb.ini -D

INFO: Running in dryrun mode, not starting VMs or sending any messages to them...
INFO: Login password to Oracle VM Manager not supplied on command line or environment (DEPLOYCLUSTER_MGR_PASSWORD), prompting...
INFO: Attempting to connect to Oracle VM Manager...
INFO: Oracle VM Client  ( protocol (1.9) CONNECTED (tcp) to
      Oracle VM Manager ( protocol (1.9) IP ( UUID (0004fb0000010000285d60b0071f42ae)
INFO: Inspecting /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini for number of nodes defined....
INFO: Detected 4 nodes in: /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini
INFO: Located a total of (4) VMs; 
      4 VMs with a simple name of: ['ohs.0', 'ohs.1', 'ohs.2', 'ohs.3']
INFO: Detected (3) Hub nodes and (1) Leaf node in the Flex Cluster
INFO: Detected a RAC deployment...
INFO: Starting all (4) VMs -- "dryrun" mode
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.0" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, however, not starting it due to "dryrun" option passed on command line.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.1" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, however, not starting it due to "dryrun" option passed on command line.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.2" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, however, not starting it due to "dryrun" option passed on command line.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.3" (Leaf node) is in a Stopped state, however, not starting it due to "dryrun" option passed on command line.

INFO: Verifying that all (4) VMs are in Running state and pass prerequisite checks -- "dryrun" mode...
INFO: Detected Flex ASM enabled with a dedicated network adapter (eth2), all VMs will require a minimum of (3) Vnics...
INFO: Skipped checking memory of VMs due to DEPLOYCLUSTER_SKIP_VM_MEMORY_CHECK=yes
INFO: Detected that all (3) Hub node VMs specified on command line have (1) common shared disk between them (ASM_MIN_DISKS=1)
INFO: The (4) VMs passed basic sanity checks (dry-run mode), not sending cluster details as follows:
      netconfig.ini (Network setup): /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini
      params.ini (Overall build options): /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/12cdb.ini
      buildcluster: yes
INFO: Exiting without sending above parameters due to "dryrun" option passed on command line.
INFO: completed successfully at 10:06:30 in 22.5 seconds (0h:00m:22s)
Logfile at: /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/deploycluster1.log
[root@ovm-mgr deploycluster2]# 

[root@ovm-mgr deploycluster2]# ./ -u admin -M ohs.? -N utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini -P utils/12cdb.ini
Oracle DB/RAC OneCommand (v2.1.2) for Oracle VM - deploy cluster - (c) 2011-2015 Oracle Corporation
 (com: 29100:v2.0.4, lib: 182513:v2.0.6, var: 1600:v2.0.6) - v2.4.3 - (x86_64)
Invoked as root at Thu Oct  6 10:40:07 2016  (size: 47000, mtime: Thu Sep 17 15:03:35 2015)
Using: ./ -u admin -M ohs.? -N utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini -P utils/12cdb.ini

INFO: Login password to Oracle VM Manager not supplied on command line or environment (DEPLOYCLUSTER_MGR_PASSWORD), prompting...
INFO: Attempting to connect to Oracle VM Manager...
INFO: Oracle VM Client  ( protocol (1.9) CONNECTED (tcp) to
      Oracle VM Manager ( protocol (1.9) IP ( UUID (0004fb0000010000285d60b0071f42ae)
INFO: Inspecting /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini for number of nodes defined....
INFO: Detected 4 nodes in: /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini
INFO: Located a total of (4) VMs; 
      4 VMs with a simple name of: ['ohs.0', 'ohs.1', 'ohs.2', 'ohs.3']
INFO: Detected (3) Hub nodes and (1) Leaf node in the Flex Cluster
INFO: Detected a RAC deployment...
INFO: Starting all (4) VMs...
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.0" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it....OK.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.1" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it....OK.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.2" (Hub node) is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it....OK.
INFO: VM with a simple name of "ohs.3" (Leaf node) is in a Stopped state, attempting to start it....OK.
INFO: Verifying that all (4) VMs are in Running state and pass prerequisite checks...
INFO: Detected Flex ASM enabled with a dedicated network adapter (eth2), all VMs will require a minimum of (3) Vnics...
INFO: Skipped checking memory of VMs due to DEPLOYCLUSTER_SKIP_VM_MEMORY_CHECK=yes
INFO: Detected that all (3) Hub node VMs specified on command line have (1) common shared disk between them (ASM_MIN_DISKS=1)
INFO: The (4) VMs passed basic sanity checks and in Running state, sending cluster details as follows:
      netconfig.ini (Network setup): /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/netconfig12cRAC4node.ini
      params.ini (Overall build options): /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/utils/12cdb.ini
      buildcluster: yes

INFO: Starting to send configuration details to all (4) VM(s).......
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of "ohs.0" (Hub node).........
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of "ohs.1" (Hub node)........
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of "ohs.2" (Hub node)........
INFO: Sending to VM with a simple name of "ohs.3" (Leaf node).........

INFO: Configuration details sent to (4) VMs...
      Check log (default location /u01/racovm/buildcluster.log) on build VM (ohs.0)...

INFO: completed successfully at 10:40:58 in 50.6 seconds (0h:00m:50s)
Logfile at: /var/www/html/files/deploycluster2/deploycluster2.log
[root@ovm-mgr deploycluster2]# 

[oracle@ohs0 racovm]$ tail -100 buildcluster1.log 

INFO (node:ohs3): Disabling passwordless ssh access for root user (from remote nodes)
2016-10-06 15:01:31:[rmsshrootlocal:Time :ohs3] Completed successfully in 1 seconds (0h:00m:01s)
INFO (node:ohs1): Disabling passwordless ssh access for root user (from remote nodes)
INFO (node:ohs2): Disabling passwordless ssh access for root user (from remote nodes)
2016-10-06 15:01:31:[rmsshrootlocal:Time :ohs2] Completed successfully in 0 seconds (0h:00m:00s)
2016-10-06 15:01:32:[rmsshrootlocal:Time :ohs1] Completed successfully in 2 seconds (0h:00m:02s)

INFO (node:ohs0): Disabling passwordless ssh access for root user (from remote nodes)
2016-10-06 15:01:34:[rmsshrootlocal:Time :ohs0] Completed successfully in 0 seconds (0h:00m:00s)
2016-10-06 15:01:34:[rmsshroot:Time :ohs0] Completed successfully in 9 seconds (0h:00m:09s)
INFO (node:ohs0): Current cluster state (15:01:34)...
INFO (node:ohs0): Running on: ohs0 as root: /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin/olsnodes -n -s -t -a
ohs0    1       Active  Hub     Unpinned
ohs1    2       Active  Hub     Unpinned
ohs2    3       Active  Hub     Unpinned
ohs3    100     Active  Leaf    Unpinned
Oracle Clusterware active version on the cluster is []
Oracle Clusterware version on node [ohs0] is []
CRS Administrator List: oracle root
Cluster is running in "flex" mode
ASM Flex mode enabled: ASM instance count: 3
ASM is running on ohs2,ohs1,ohs0
INFO (node:ohs0): Running on: ohs0 as oracle: export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1; /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/bin/srvctl status database -d ORCL
Instance ORCL1 is running on node ohs0
Instance ORCL2 is running on node ohs1
Instance ORCL3 is running on node ohs2

INFO (node:ohs0): Running on: ohs0 as root: /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin/crsctl status resource -t
Name           Target  State        Server                   State details       
Local Resources
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
               OFFLINE OFFLINE      ohs3                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
               ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
Cluster Resources
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
      2        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
      3        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
      1        OFFLINE OFFLINE                               STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     Open,STABLE
      2        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs1                     Open,STABLE
      3        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs2                     Open,STABLE
      1        ONLINE  ONLINE       ohs0                     STABLE

INFO (node:ohs0): For an explanation on resources in OFFLINE state, see Note:1068835.1
2016-10-06 15:01:42:[clusterstate:Time :ohs0] Completed successfully in 8 seconds (0h:00m:08s)
2016-10-06 15:01:42:[buildcluster:Done :ohs0] Building 12c RAC Cluster
2016-10-06 15:01:42:[buildcluster:Time :ohs0] Completed successfully in 3010 seconds (0h:50m:10s)
[oracle@ohs0 racovm]$ 



Oracle VM

How to Use Oracle VM Templates

Oracle VM Templates for Oracle Database

Oracle VM Templates

Virtual Appliances Download for Oracle VM Hands-on Labs

Hands-On Labs for Oracle VM

How to Deploy a Four-Node Oracle RAC 12c Cluster in Minutes Using Oracle VM Templates

关键词:vm cloud oracle 


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