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Oracle VM Manager和VM Server的基本管理

Oracle VM 2007年的诞生到现在,已有近10个年头,在内容、功能方面更新了不少,最新版为3.4.2。架构从最开始的OC4J变成了Weblogic ADF (Application Development Framework) web application,数据库也从最开始的Oracle XE变成了现在的MySQL Enterprise,从3.2开始Oracle引入了MySQL数据库,引入了命令行工具,后续又支持了光纤通道,支持从Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)引导,引入了OSWatcher等。本文列出了Oracle VM Server和Oracle VM Manager基本管理。

如何安装Oracle VM 3.4(VM Server,VM Manager)

Server Pool:一个服务器池包含一个或多个物理服务器,这些使用服务器共享一个存储库
S e r v e r s:服务器池中的Oracle VM Server,就可以被赋予1到3个服务器功能(Server Pool Master,Utility Server,Virtual Machine Server)
Server Pool Master:一个服务器池中只能有一个Oracle VM Server被授予Server Pool Master,此服务器可以被看作VM Server和外界的通道,负责池中的资源协调
Utility Server:主要负责IO密集型操作(创建、删除、迁移等),比如虚拟机的创建
Virtual Machine Server:是指虚拟服务器。还用于收集主机和客户操作系统的性能数据。角色为domU的管理程序

如何管理Oracle VM Agent
[root@ohsvms ~]# /etc/init.d/ovs-agent
Usage: /etc/init.d/ovs-agent {start|stop|restart|reload|status}
[root@ohsvms ~]# /etc/init.d/ovs-agent status
log server (pid 9297) is running...
notificationserver server (pid 9363) is running...
remaster server (pid 9368) is running...
monitor server (pid 9371) is running...
ha server (pid 9374) is running...
stats server (pid 9375) is running...
xmlrpc server (pid 9379) is running...
fsstats server (pid 9381) is running...
apparentsize server (pid 9382) is running...
[root@ohsvms ~]# /etc/init.d/ovs-agent restart
Stopping Oracle VM Agent:                                  [  OK  ]
Starting Oracle VM Agent:                                  [  OK  ]
[root@ohsvms ~]#


[root@ohsvms ~]# xm help
Usage: xm <subcommand> [args]
Control, list, and manipulate Xen guest instances.
xm full list of subcommands:
 console              Attach to <Domain>'s console.
 vncviewer            Attach to <Domain>'s VNC server.
 create               Create a domain based on <ConfigFile>.
 new                  Adds a domain to Xend domain management
 delete               Remove a domain from Xend domain management.
 destroy              Terminate a domain immediately.
 domid                Convert a domain name to domain id.
 domname              Convert a domain id to domain name.
 dump-core            Dump core for a specific domain.
 list                 List information about all/some domains.
 mem-max              Set the maximum amount reservation for a domain.
 mem-set              Set the current memory usage for a domain.
 migrate              Migrate a domain to another machine.
 pause                Pause execution of a domain.
 reboot               Reboot a domain.
 rename               Rename a domain.
 reset                Reset a domain.
 restore              Restore a domain from a saved state.
 resume               Resume a Xend managed domain
 save                 Save a domain state to restore later.
 shutdown             Shutdown a domain.
 start                Start a Xend managed domain
 suspend              Suspend a Xend managed domain
 sysrq                Send a sysrq to a domain.
 trigger              Send a trigger to a domain.
 top                  Monitor a host and the domains in real time.
 unpause              Unpause a paused domain.
 uptime               Print uptime for all/some domains.
 usb-add              Add the usb device to FV VM.
 usb-del              Delete the usb device to FV VM.
 domstate             get the state of a domain
 vcpu-list            List the VCPUs for all/some domains.
 vcpu-pin             Set which CPUs a VCPU can use.
 vcpu-set             Set the number of active VCPUs allowed for the
 debug-keys           Send debug keys to Xen.
 dmesg                Read and/or clear Xend's message buffer.
 info                 Get information about Xen host.
 log                  Print Xend log
 serve                Proxy Xend XMLRPC over stdio.
 sched-credit2        Get/set credit2 scheduler parameters.
 sched-credit         Get/set credit scheduler parameters.
 sched-sedf           Get/set EDF parameters.
 block-attach         Create a new virtual block device.
 block-detach         Destroy a domain's virtual block device.
 block-list           List virtual block devices for a domain.
 block-configure      Change block device configuration
 network-attach       Create a new virtual network device.
 network-detach       Destroy a domain's virtual network device.
 network-list         List virtual network interfaces for a domain.
 network2-attach      Create a new version 2 virtual network device.
 network2-detach      Destroy a domain's version 2 virtual network
 network2-list        List version 2 virtual network interfaces for a
 pci-attach           Insert a new pass-through pci device.
 pci-detach           Remove a domain's pass-through pci device.
 pci-list             List pass-through pci devices for a domain.
 pci-list-assignable-devices List all the assignable pci devices
 scsi-attach          Attach a new SCSI device.
 scsi-detach          Detach a specified SCSI device.
 scsi-list            List all SCSI devices currently attached.
 usb-attach           Attach a new USB physical bus to domain's
                      virtual port.
 usb-detach           Detach a USB physical bus from domain's virtual
 usb-list             List domain's attachment state of all virtual
                      port .
 usb-list-assignable-devices List all the assignable usb devices
 usb-hc-create        Create a domain's new virtual USB host
 usb-hc-destroy       Destroy a domain's virtual USB host controller.
 vnet-list            List Vnets.
 vnet-create          Create a vnet from ConfigFile.
 vnet-delete          Delete a Vnet.
 setpolicy            Set the policy of the system.
 labels               List <type> labels for (active) policy.
 addlabel             Add security label to domain.
 rmlabel              Remove a security label from domain.
 getlabel             Show security label for domain or resource.
 dry-run              Test if a domain can access its resources.
 resources            Show info for each labeled resource.
 dumppolicy           Print hypervisor ACM state information.
 resetpolicy          Set the policy of the system to the default
 getpolicy            Get the policy of the system.
 getenforce           Returns the current enforcing mode for the Flask
                      XSM module (Enforcing,Permissive)
 setenforce           Modifies the current enforcing mode for the
                      Flask XSM module
 tmem-list            List tmem pools.
 tmem-thaw            Thaw tmem pools.
 tmem-freeze          Freeze tmem pools.
 tmem-destroy         Destroy tmem pools.
 tmem-set             Change tmem settings.
 tmem-shared-auth     De/authenticate shared tmem pool.
 cpupool-create       Create a CPU pool based an ConfigFile.
 cpupool-new          Adds a CPU pool to Xend CPU pool management
 cpupool-start        Starts a Xend CPU pool
 cpupool-list         List CPU pools on host
 cpupool-destroy      Deactivates a CPU pool
 cpupool-delete       Removes a CPU pool from Xend management
 cpupool-cpu-add      Adds a CPU to a CPU pool
 cpupool-cpu-remove   Removes a CPU from a CPU pool
 cpupool-migrate      Moves a domain into a CPU pool
 shell                Launch an interactive shell.

<Domain> can either be the Domain Name or Id.
For more help on 'xm' see the xm(1) man page.
For more help on 'xm create' see the xmdomain.cfg(5)  man page.

[root@ohsvms ~]#

[root@ohsvms ~]# xm info
host                   : ohsvms
release                : 4.1.12-32.1.3.el6uek.x86_64
version                : #2 SMP Fri Jan 29 21:07:58 PST 2016
machine                : x86_64
nr_cpus                : 1
nr_nodes               : 1
cores_per_socket       : 1
threads_per_core       : 1
cpu_mhz                : 2712
hw_caps                : 078bfbff:28100800:00000000:00003300:d6f8220b:00000000:00000121:00842000
virt_caps              :
total_memory           : 4095
free_memory            : 3188
free_cpus              : 0
xen_major              : 4
xen_minor              : 4
xen_extra              : .4OVM
xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_64 xen-3.0-x86_32p
xen_scheduler          : credit
xen_pagesize           : 4096
platform_params        : virt_start=0xffff800000000000
xen_changeset          :
xen_commandline        : placeholder dom0_mem=max:856M allowsuperpage
cc_compiler            : gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)
cc_compile_by          : mockbuild
cc_compile_domain      :
cc_compile_date        : Thu Feb 11 14:09:59 PST 2016
xend_config_format     : 4


[root@ohsvms ~]# xm list
Name                                        ID   Mem VCPUs      State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                     0   856     1     r-----   1717.5
[root@ohsvms ~]# xm list --long
    (domid 0)
    (cpu_weight 65535)
    (cpu_cap 0)
    (pool_name Pool-0)
    (bootloader '')
    (vcpus 1)
    (cpus ((0)))
    (on_poweroff destroy)
    (on_crash restart)
    (uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
    (bootloader_args '')
    (name Domain-0)
    (on_reboot restart)
    (maxmem 856)
    (memory 856)
    (memory_actual 856)
    (shadow_memory 0)
    (features '')
    (on_xend_start ignore)
    (on_xend_stop ignore)
    (cpu_time 1717.61511724)
    (online_vcpus 1)
            (kernel '')
            (expose_host_uuid 0)
            (superpages 0)
            (nomigrate 0)
            (tsc_mode 0)
    (status 2)
    (state r-----)
) [root@ohsvms ~]# 

Displays real-time information about Oracle VM Server and domains.
xm dmesg
Displays log information on the hypervisor.
xm log
Displays log information of the Oracle VM Server daemon.
[root@ohsvms ~]# xm dmesg
 Xen 4.4.4OVM
(XEN) Xen version 4.4.4OVM ( (gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)) debug=n Thu Feb 11 14:09:59 PST 2016
(XEN) Latest ChangeSet:
(XEN) Bootloader: GRUB 2.02~beta2
(XEN) Command line: placeholder dom0_mem=max:856M allowsuperpage
(XEN) Xen image base address: 0xdee00000
(XEN) Video information:
(XEN)  VGA is text mode 80x25, font 8x16
(XEN) Disc information:
(XEN)  Found 1 MBR signatures
(XEN)  Found 1 EDD information structures
(XEN) Xen-e820 RAM map:
(XEN)  0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 (usable)
(XEN)  000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
(XEN)  00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
(XEN)  0000000000100000 - 00000000dfff0000 (usable)
(XEN)  00000000dfff0000 - 00000000e0000000 (ACPI data)
(XEN)  00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec01000 (reserved)
(XEN)  00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved)
(XEN)  00000000fffc0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
(XEN)  0000000100000000 - 0000000120000000 (usable)
(XEN) New Xen image base address: 0xdf800000
(XEN) ACPI: RSDP 000E0000, 0024 (r2 VBOX  )
(XEN) ACPI: XSDT DFFF0030, 003C (r1 VBOX   VBOXXSDT        1 ASL        61)
(XEN) ACPI: FACP DFFF00F0, 00F4 (r4 VBOX   VBOXFACP        1 ASL        61)
(XEN) ACPI: DSDT DFFF0470, 210F (r1 VBOX   VBOXBIOS        2 INTL 20100528)
(XEN) ACPI: FACS DFFF0200, 0040
(XEN) ACPI: APIC DFFF0240, 0054 (r2 VBOX   VBOXAPIC        1 ASL        61)
(XEN) ACPI: SSDT DFFF02A0, 01CC (r1 VBOX   VBOXCPUT        2 INTL 20100528)
(XEN) System RAM: 4095MB (4193852kB)
(XEN) Domain heap initialised
(XEN) Processor #0 7:14 APIC version 20
(XEN) IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 1, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
(XEN) Enabling APIC mode:  Flat.  Using 1 I/O APICs
(XEN) Not enabling x2APIC: depends on iommu_supports_eim.
(XEN) Using scheduler: SMP Credit Scheduler (credit)
(XEN) Detected 2712.164 MHz processor.
(XEN) Initing memory sharing.
(XEN) xstate_init: using cntxt_size: 0x440 and states: 0x7
(XEN) I/O virtualisation disabled
(XEN)  -> Using new ACK method
(XEN) Platform timer is 3.579MHz ACPI PM Timer
(XEN) Allocated console ring of 64 KiB.
(XEN) Brought up 1 CPUs
(XEN) xenoprof: Initialization failed. Intel processor family 6 model 94is not supported
(XEN) Dom0 has maximum 208 PIRQs
(XEN)  Xen  kernel: 64-bit, lsb, compat32
(XEN)  Dom0 kernel: 64-bit, PAE, lsb, paddr 0x1000000 -> 0x2092000
(XEN)  Dom0 alloc.:   0000000114000000->0000000118000000 (190714 pages to be allocated)
(XEN)  Init. ramdisk: 000000011d0fa000->000000011ffffbb4
(XEN)  Loaded kernel: ffffffff81000000->ffffffff82092000
(XEN)  Init. ramdisk: 0000000000000000->0000000000000000
(XEN)  Phys-Mach map: ffffffff82092000->ffffffff8223e000
(XEN)  Start info:    ffffffff8223e000->ffffffff8223e4b4
(XEN)  Page tables:   ffffffff8223f000->ffffffff82254000
(XEN)  Boot stack:    ffffffff82254000->ffffffff82255000
(XEN)  TOTAL:         ffffffff80000000->ffffffff82400000
(XEN)  ENTRY ADDRESS: ffffffff81bee1f0
(XEN) Dom0 has maximum 1 VCPUs
(XEN) Scrubbing Free RAM on 1 nodes using 1 CPUs
(XEN) ....................................done.
(XEN) Initial low memory virq threshold set at 0x4000 pages.
(XEN) Std. Loglevel: Errors and warnings
(XEN) Guest Loglevel: Nothing (Rate-limited: Errors and warnings)
(XEN) Xen is relinquishing VGA console.
(XEN) *** Serial input -> DOM0 (type 'CTRL-a' three times to switch input to Xen)
(XEN) Freed 1376kB init memory.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 00000000c0000081 from 0xe023e00800000000 to 0x0023001000000000.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 00000000c0000082 from 0xffff82d0804d3000 to 0xffffffff816b79d0.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 00000000c0000083 from 0xffff82d0804d3080 to 0xffffffff816ba370.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 0000000000000174 from 0x000000000000e008 to 0x0000000000000010.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 0000000000000175 from 0xffff82d0804d7fc0 to 0x0000000000000000.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 0000000000000176 from 0xffff82d080325580 to 0xffffffff816ba140.
(XEN) traps.c:2525:d0 Domain attempted WRMSR 00000000c0000084 from 0x0000000000034700 to 0x0000000000047700.
(XEN) domain.c:661:d0 Attempt to change CR4 flags 00000620 -> 00040660
(XEN) 'u' pressed -> dumping numa info (now-0x5178:FB420451)
(XEN) idx0 -> NODE0 start->0 size->1179648 free->816292
(XEN) phys_to_nid(0000000000001000) -> 0 should be 0
(XEN) Memory location of each domain:
(XEN) Domain 0 (total: 219136):
(XEN)     Node 0: 219136
(XEN) 'u' pressed -> dumping numa info (now-0x52D5:8B4D91EC)
(XEN) idx0 -> NODE0 start->0 size->1179648 free->816292
(XEN) phys_to_nid(0000000000001000) -> 0 should be 0
(XEN) Memory location of each domain:
(XEN) Domain 0 (total: 219136):
(XEN)     Node 0: 219136
[root@ohsvms ~]# xm vcpu-list
Name                                ID  VCPU   CPU State   Time(s) CPU Affinity
Domain-0                             0     0     0   r--    1727.6 any cpu
[root@ohsvms ~]#

[root@ohsvms ~]# /usr/sbin/OSWatcher -h
Periodically log information about a running system

  -i, --interval=SECONDS  Run data collection programs
                          every SECONDS (default: 30)
  -m, --maxAge=HOURS      Discard data files older than
                          HOURS (default: 48)
  -z, --zip=PROGRAM       Compress files with PROFRAM
                          (default: none)
  -l, --logfile=FILE      Log file (default: none)
  -p, --pidfile=FILE      PID file (default: none)
[root@ohsvms ~]#
To start, stop, and check the status of OSWatcher, use the following command:
# service oswatcher {start|stop|status|restart|reload|condrestart}
[root@ohsvms ~]# service oswatcher status
OSWatcher (pid 1710) is running...
[root@ohsvms ~]#
[root@ohsvms ~]# grep multiboot2 /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
        multiboot2      /xen.gz placeholder dom0_mem=max:856M allowsuperpage  ${xen_rm_opts}
[root@ohsvms ~]#

如何管理Oracle VM Manager
[oracle@ovm ~]$ ls  /u01/app/oracle/
java  Middleware  mysql  oraInventory  ovm-manager-3
[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_upgrade/bin/ check
Oct 04, 2016 8:05:57 AM start
INFO: Jps initializing.
Oct 04, 2016 8:05:58 AM start
INFO: Jps started.
Oracle MiddleWare Home (MW_HOME): /u01/app/oracle/Middleware
WebLogic domain directory: [/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/domains/ovm_domain]
WebLogic server name: [AdminServer]
WebLogic username: [weblogic]
WebLogic password: [********]

The Oracle VM Manager CA and SSL configuration appears to be valid.
[oracle@ovm ~]$

[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/ovm_admin
Oracle VM Manager Release 3.4.1 Admin tool
Usage:  /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_wlst/bin/ [options]

 --help                                     Shows this message
 --createuser                               Create new Oracle VM Manager admin user
 --deleteuser <admin>                       Delete Oracle VM Manager admin user
 --listusers                                List Oracle VM Manager users
 --modifyuser                               Modify Oracle VM Manager user password
 --lockusers <tries>                        Max login tries before locking account.
                                            This setting is global.
 --unlockuser <admin>                       Unlock user account
 --modifyds                                 Modify Oracle VM Manager Data Sources
 --listds                                   List Oracle VM Manager Data Sources
 --listconfig                               List configuration
 --rotatelogsdaily <time>                   Rotate Logs Daily (HH:MM)
 --rotatelogsbysize <size>                  Rotate Logs By Size (KB)
[oracle@ovm ~]$


[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/ovm_admin --listusers
Oracle VM Manager Release 3.4.1 Admin tool
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands

2016-10-04 08:08:51,719 [main] INFO  ovm.wlst.commands - Connecting using URL t3://localhost:7001
Please enter the password for weblogic:

Location changed to serverRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean as the root.
For more help, use help('domainConfig')
OracleSystemUser, weblogic, admin, appframework


[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/ovm_admin --listds
Oracle VM Manager Release 3.4.1 Admin tool
Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
Type help() for help on available commands
2016-10-04 08:09:18,797 [main] INFO  ovm.wlst.commands - Connecting using URL t3://localhost:7001
Please enter the password for weblogic:
Please enter the name of a MySQL user: [appfw, ovs] ovs
Listing Oracle VM Manager Data Source 'ovm-jpa-ds'...
DriverName                              com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Url                                     jdbc:mysql://localhost:49500/ovs
DatabaseName                            ovs
Listing Oracle VM Manager Data Source 'ovm-jpa-ds' successfully

Listing Oracle VM Manager Data Source 'ovm-odof-ds'...
DriverName                              com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Url                                     jdbc:mysql://localhost:49500/ovs
DatabaseName                            ovs
Listing Oracle VM Manager Data Source 'ovm-odof-ds' successfully


[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/ovm_admin --listconfig
Oracle VM Manager Release 3.4.1 Admin tool
Oracle VM Manager Configuration
Database type               : MySQL
Database Server hostname    : localhost
Database name               : ovs
Database Listener port      : 49500
Oracle VM Database user     : ovs
WebLogic Server admin       : weblogic
Oracle VM Manager admin     : admin
[oracle@ovm ~]$
管理MySQL Database
[oracle@ovm ~]$ /etc/init.d/ovmm_mysql
Usage: ovmm_mysql  {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status}  [ MySQL server options ]
[oracle@ovm ~]$ /etc/init.d/ovmm_mysql status
MySQL running (7988)                                       [  OK  ]
[oracle@ovm ~]$ which mysql
手动备份MySQL Database
[oracle@ovm ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin/BackupDatabase -w
Enter your OVM Manager username: admin
Enter your OVM Manager password:

INFO:  Backup job starting with destination:

        Job Id   = 'Start Backup to: ManualBackup(1475583647413) Uri: https://localhost:7002/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Job/1475583647413'
        Job Name = 'Start Backup to: ManualBackup'

INFO:  Backup job finished [oracle@ovm ~]$ 

备份Oracle VM Manager配置文件.config

[oracle@ovm ~]$ cat /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config

[oracle@ovm ~]$
[root@ovm ~]# /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/support/ --username=admin
Enter OVM Manager Password:
Gathering files from all servers. This process may take some time.
Gathering OVM Model Dump files
Gathering sosreport from ohsvms
Gathering OVM Manager Logs
Compressing VMPinfo3 20161004-082505
 Please send /tmp/vmpinfo3- to Oracle support
[root@ovm ~]#

如何快速一步步的学会使用VM Server

Oracle VM的管理简单地可以理解为主要是存储和网络的管理


What is new for vm3.2

Oracle VM3 Quick Start Guide

Oracle VM Designing, Creating and Testing an Oracle VM3.2 Environment

Oracle VM 3Architecture and Technical Overview

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Getting Started With Disaster Recovery

VM Server User's Guide Release 2.1

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